Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Storyboard blog

The camera angles that are going to be used in the commercial are:
-Wide Shot
-Over Shoulder Shot
-Low angle
Movements/Transitions that are to be used:
-Shot/reverse shot
-Jump cut

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Planning Blog for Anti-vaping Commercial

  • Computer
  • Digital copy of Minecraft
  • Regular clothing
10/14 - storyboards
10/21- filming
10/23 - editing


Not needed

Commercial Conventions (re-upload)

I will be doing my commercial as an anti-vaping commercial. These typically include actors around the age of the target audience. It will also likely include a metaphor that attempts to be relatable and could be involving currently popular games or music

Monday, October 7, 2019


Hello. I am a person who would qualify as ‘antisocial’. I don’t really enjoy public events or socializing in general. Most of my free time is spent listening to music or playing video games. My favorite genre of music to listen to is currently power metal. Some bands of the genre are:
My favorite of those is Sabaton. I’d much rather listen to their album Carolus Rex than talk with my family about topics I have no interest in. Typically, I’m only comfortable talking with friends about some obscure things with no meaning whatsoever. In my opinion, the best game franchise is the Fallout franchise. I can go on for hours just about the lore of one particular event that takes place in one of the games. 
Some classes I am taking are Media Studies, Communication technology, and Court procedures. I enjoy comm. tech the most, as it is a course involving photoshop. I’m considerably good with technology and using it to my advantage. In media studies, we learn about the filmmaking process and relating to it. I also enjoy media studies, just not as much as I do communication technology.