What movie was the title sequence from?
A: I did a movie called Goodfellas. This movie is about a man who grows up in a mob and tries to advance himself. Henry and his two friends advance from misdemeanors to felonies.
What website was used?
A: In order to watch the clip Goodfellas, I used the website artofthetitle.com.
How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film?
A: There are 16 titles displayed in the opening sequence.
What images are prioritized in the opening sequences ?
A: The images that are prioritized are black screens with words coming up on them. The words slide across the screen like a car zooming on a road. The next images are the men in a car. They open the truck and there is a man there all bloody. One man then proceeds to stab him and another one shoots him.
What connotation do the images carry?
A: The images carry an explicit representation of someone doing a deed they are not supposed to. The color black represents that something bad is happening. The images also carry the sound of a car, which creates a wonder of what is happening.
How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset?
A: Genre is reinforced through symbolic and technial codes because the drama comes from the suspense from the black screens of not knowing what is going on. As the screen comes on, all that is seen is 3 men in a car. Sound is then heard from the trunk, which creates drama because the men don't know what's going on. Crime is enforced through the scenes because there is a bloody man in the trunk. One guy proceeds to stab him and the other shoots him.
How does the film establish an enigma from the outset?
A: The film establishes an enigma from the black screens by creating suspense on what is actually happening. It leads the audience to want to know what is going on. When the actual pictures come on, it leads the audience to wanting to watch the movie, as they are being captured by what is going on.
What strategies are used to ensure the film appeals to its target audience?
A: The film uses the sound of a car speeding and swiping the words across the scene, creating drama because the audience wants to know what is going on. Drama is also created when the men hear bumping in the trunk, and pull over to check it out. Crime is created when the bloody man is presented, and one man stabs him repeatedly while the other shoots him.
How has technology been used effectively? (Consider camera angles, transitions and editing techniques)
A: A high angle was used to create the suspense of the trunk and what was inside. The black screens transitioned to an actual car driving, which confirms the noise of a car zooming. Also, editing played a role with the eyeline match scene where the guys were looking at the trunk and it showed the trunk.
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